Monday, November 14, 2011

My 1st "Public" Cake

The 'jumping fish' cake :)
A little sign I made by pouring the hot lollypop mixture into the bottom of a 6" round cake pan.
The picture I worked from to figure out what colors to use...

March 2011 - Just a few days after Ella's Dora cake hit Facebook, my church asked if I would consider making a "fancy and fun" cake for our pastor's 60th birthday. Since I was trying to get more practice in, and since I was flattered by their assumption that I knew what I was doing, I said "Sure!" Then spent sleepless nights trying to figure out what the heck I could do for a cake. I ended up deciding on a fish, jumping out of water... Sounds easy enough, right? The fish was done the night before the cake was due. And I don't mean, I 'finished' it the night before. I mean, I started shaping and painting it at around 10pm the night before it was due. (There is a trend here... The Dora cake was done overnight too... no sleeps for me!) Either way, I liked the way it turned out and to make the spashes, I ended up making a batch of lollypop liquid, then pouring it over a bucket of ice once it hit the hard crack temperature. That was probably the most fun I've had while burning myself :)

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